Sunday, April 13, 2008


I want to send a big shout out to my Latter Rain Family, my what would I do with out you all. In the past year we have all became a close knit family . We laugh together, we cry together,
we are always there for one another, we have had new babies, we have lost loved ones, buried pet's, and have gotten close to what we think cracking the case should be, and we have the coolest moderator love ya Lynne! I just want you all to know i feel very blessed to have gotten to know each and everyone of you, with out you all this past year there is times i don't know if i could do what i am doing, your great support to me. So when Jason is finally arrested then we will have the big party!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Back at ya, girl!

I'm ready for that party :)