Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What is this world coming to?

What is this world coming to I ask myself today as I was shopping for just household items. The stuff ya can't do without like laundry det. Shampoo, just items that you can't do without! When I went to check out my bill was 178.00 I about screamed I am telling you. Sorry folks but I myself don't think the new Pres.......... is going to be any better then the last one. I really wish we could go back to the simple things in life. Back when I was a kid we never had cell phones like kids do now days, never had video games, if you had a bike you were doing good! A good night of TV was Leave it to Beaver or good old Andy from Mayberry! I love Lucy was one of my favorites. If you mention these shows to your grand kids now days they look at you as if you have lost your mind. I really miss the good old day's . How about you?

1 comment:

Ronni said...

Let's give him a chance, Breeze! It's going to take a year or more before things get better.