Sunday, February 1, 2009

Turning 56

Hi all this is a pic of me and the kids before Hayden came into the world.
Gosh where has the time went. This pass week I turned 56. I guess now I am what you would call a Senior Citizen lol. But I don't feel that old. Beside that I have to live along time until we get this kids grown. We have been iced and snowed in for the past week and it's really getting old I hope tomorrow the kids return to school. Donnie seems to be getting better he still has bad day's every once in awhile but we are just takeing it a day at a time. Hunter has been playing basketball and the rest of them have just been hanging out. Kaitlyn's dad sent her a cell phone hmmmmmmmm funny how he can afford that but he refuses to pay child support. All I can say is what goes around comes around so you all best watch out I have your number. I wasn't born yesterday!
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